Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prophesies: The Power of Dreams

Throughout history, from ancient world, biblical tradition, down to contemporary men and women of today, mankind looked at dreams as the central stirring element of innovations, creations, discoveries and great change.
In Biblical history, the Old Testament is filled with a profound collection of powerful dreams where God's voice was heard by his Messengers and promise keepers; Jacob hears God's voice in a dream of a promised land (Gen.28:10-22). Mighty Pharaoh had a confusing dream about bony cows and shocks of grains that none of his wise men could interpret, until he calls on Joseph, an Israelite who interpreted his dream (Gen.41:14-25)
Paralleling the story of Joseph in the Old Testament is the story of Daniel (Dan. 4:19-17) it concerns a dream of Nebuchadnezzar's misunderstanding of his status of power. Daniel, the gifted Jewish dream interpreter, counsels Nebuchadnezzar to practice mercy and justice. In the New Testament we find the best known biblical dream by the Magi, protects the Christ Child's Life: "And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road" (Matt.2:12).
In Modern times, we also find volumes upon volumes of books written about dreams. Famous Artists, inventors, writers and scientists have resolved problems in their dreams; to name a few. In 1965, Paul McCartney finds his song"Yesterday" in a dream, Madam C.J walker became a millionaire through a dream(cited by the Guinness Book of Records as the first female American self-made millionaire). Abraham Lincoln dreamt of his assassination.

In my book, Honor Thy God, I have included twelve powerful dreams that dramatically altered my views on God and religions and changed my life forever. The photos here are taken from my trip to Moscow in 1990 with the 11Th World Media Conference, held April 9-13 in Moscow, sponsored by the Washington Times, founded by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. The trip to Moscow was an identical manifestation of a dream i had in 1983, approximately seven years earlier.

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